Thursday, 26 March 2015

Spring Forward

29 Mar 2015 - Daylight Saving Time Starts

When local standard time is about to reach
Sunday, 29 March 2015, 01:00:00 clocks are turned forward 1 hour to
Sunday, 29 March 2015, 02:00:00 local daylight time instead
Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour later on 29 Mar 2015 than the day before. There will be more light in the evening.
Also called Spring Forward, summer time, and Daylight Savings Time.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Easter Competition


Friday, 13 March 2015

Friday 13th Common But Silly Superstitions

No umbrellas inside
 And not just because you'll poke someone's eye out. Opening an umbrella indoors is supposed to bring bad luck, though the origins of this belief are murky. Legends abound, from a story of an ancient Roman woman who happened to have opened her umbrella moments before her house collapsed, to the tale of a British prince who accepted two umbrellas from a visiting king and died within months. Like the "don't walk under a ladder" superstition, this seems to be a case of a myth arising to keep people from doing something that is slightly dangerous in the first place.

Cross your fingers
Those wishing for luck will often cross one finger over another, a gesture that's said to date back to early Christianity. The story goes that two people used to cross index fingers when making a wish, a symbol of support from a friend to the person making the wish. (Anything associated with the shape of the Christian cross was thought to  be good luck.) The tradition gradually became something people could do on their own; these days, just saying "fingers crossed" is enough to get the message, well, across.

Three sixes in a row give some people the chills. It's a superstition that harks back to the Bible. In the Book of Revelation, 666 is given as the number of the "beast," and is often interpreted as the mark of Satan and a sign of the end times.
According to State University of New York at Buffalo anthropologist Philips Stevens, the writer of Revelation was writing to persecuted Christians in code, so the numbers and names in the book are contemporary references. Three sixes in a row is probably the numeric equivalent of the Hebrew letters for the first-century Roman Emperor Nero. [End of the World? Top Doomsday Fears]

Don't walk under that ladder!
Frankly, this superstition is pretty practical. Who wants to be responsible for stumbling and knocking a carpenter off his perch? But one theory holds that this superstition arises from a Christian belief in the Holy Trinity: Since a ladder leaning against a wall forms a triangle, "breaking" that triangle was blasphemous.
Then again, another popular theory is that a fear of walking under a ladder has to do with its resemblance to a medieval gallows. We're sticking with the safety-first explanation for this one.

Careful with that mirror
According to folklore, breaking a mirror is a surefire way to doom yourself to seven years of bad luck. The superstition seems to arise from the belief that mirrors don't just reflect your image; they hold bits of your soul. That belief led people in the old days of the American South to cover mirrors in a house when someone died, lest their soul be trapped inside.
Like the number three, the number seven is often associated with luck. Seven years is a long time to be unlucky, which may be why people have come up with counter-measures to free themselves after breaking a mirror. These include touching a piece of the broken mirror to a tombstone or grinding the mirror shards into powder.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Interesting Ways to Use a Foldback clip

Foldback clips can be used in many interesting ways both at home and in the office: 

Close Up Toothpaste or even those unfinished bags of crisps

Obvious household uses for a binder clip: clipping things together. Keep your crisps closed with a binder clip. Toothpaste tube giving you trouble? Roll it up and stick the flat end in a binder clip. And when you run out of crisps and toothpaste, it can hold your shopping list on your cart, too, so you remember to buy more.

Neatly wrap or shorten cables

Fighting tangled cables can seem like a losing battle, but a few well-placed binder clips can do wonders for keeping everything neat and organized. Clip your cables together for storage, hang them on your desk, or even use them as a cable shortener for your headphones. If done right, you can avoid a lot of the tangles and knots that always seem to plague your cable collection.

Stack Beer/Bottles in your Fridge 

If you have limited space in your fridge, you can usually use your vertical space to fit more things in at once. One of the best ways to do that? Stick a foldback clip on the shelf. You'll be able to stack bottles and cans sideways without them sliding around, meaning you can fit more beverages into one corner of your fridge.

Can you think of any other useful ideas? 

Friday, 6 March 2015

Famous Women Inventors: Bette Nesmith Graham #InternationlWomensDay2015

Liquid Paper / Correction Fluid 

Bette Nesmith Graham was not a very good typist. Still, the high school dropout worked her way through the secretarial pool to become the executive secretary for the chairman of the board of the Texas Bank and Trust. It was the 1950s, and the electric typewriter had just been introduced. Secretaries often found themselves retyping entire pages because of one tiny mistake, as the new model's carbon ribbon made it difficult to correct errors.
One day, Graham watched workers painting a holiday display on a bank window. She noticed that when they made mistakes, they simply added another layer of paint to cover them up, and she thought she could apply that idea to her typing blunders. Using her blender, Graham mixed up a water-based tempera paint with dye that matched her company's stationary. She took it to work and, using a fine watercolor brush, she was able to quickly correct her errors. Soon, the other secretaries were clamoring for the product, which Graham continued to produce in her kitchen. Graham was fired from her job for spending so much time distributing what she called "Mistake Out," but in her unemployment she was able to tweak her mixture, rename the product Liquid Paper and receive a patent in 1958. Even though typewriters have been replaced by computers in many offices, many people still have a bottle or two of that white correction fluid on hand.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Introducing Our New Wicklow Branch

We are very pleased and proud to announce that 

Office Supplies Ireland  has now expanded and has opened a 

new branch in Co. Wicklow 

You can find us in the Arklow Business Enterprise Centre

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Archived Files

Storage boxes – Use inexpensive storage boxes to keep archived files and get them out of your current file space

Q-Connect Green and White Business Storage Box 
335x400x250mm (Pack of 10) KF21660 €45 ex.vat