Wednesday 6 April 2016

How to clean your screen and your keyboard

It is springcleaning time, but today we would like to give some advice in an activity that needs to happen more than once a year!.

Cleaning your screen and your keyboard is a boring job, it takes time and, expecially for the keyboard, it seems a hard operation.

Furthermore, all electrical devices are pretty delicate, and a wrong cleaning operation might damage them.

But, with the right equipment, you will reach an excellent result in no time.


  • Use a specific detergent for screens. Common detergents for glass are not really suitable, because their composition is many times too aggressive for special surfaces like LCD screens.
  • Don't spray the detergent directly on the screen. It is preferable a soft antistatic cloth, previously wet with the cleaning solution, and to use a light touch during the cleaning operation.
  • Pay attention to the cloth. Wrong materials might scratch the screen.
  • Use a small brush for the frame's angles.
  • If you are cleaning your laptop screen, before closing it wait a complete drying.

  • Use an air duster for removing  the dust present between tastes. Start from the center and then, slowly, move towards the sides.
  • Use a small brush for eliminating eventual residues.
  • Clean the entire keyboard surface with an antistatic cloth and a suitable cleaning solution.

We have a wide range of specific computer cleaning products. For all your necessities, visit our website. You will find the right solution!

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